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Name: Jiang Lingzhang
Age: 18
School: Raffles Junior College
Likes: DotA, Anime, Bball, Piano
Dislikes: Celery, Cabbage, Milk, forum trolls, DotA leavers
Favourite Singer: BoA
Favourite Food: Meat
Favourite DotA Hero: Templar Assassin
Favourite Maple character: Bowman
Favourite Anime character: Saber!!
Favourite animal: Hamster!!! :P

Misa only wanna ORD :(:(

xxxkaboomzl got their Neopet at http://www.neopets.com

Zutto wasurenai...


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Credits: HaeMin - Love

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
@ 3:34 PM
Boo! Tomorrow is GP prelims :(

And I can't say that I've been caught by surprise, or haven't had time to mug, or any other excuse, especially with the kind of atmosphere in school for the past few weeks. What with the abundance of chem tests, programmes such as Mega Mugging Madness, and the way everyone else is taking to the books, even the most hardcore gamer will feel some stress. Still, I'm not feeling confident at all especially since I haven't had much practice with GP. Not taking GP CT2 isn't helping and neither are the unique circumstances of our GP lessons of which I'm sure all my fellow classmates understand very well. Oh well, all that's left to do is to hope that the notes and some last minute frenzied devouring of relevant general knowledge and current affairs will help my essay and that luck is with me tomorrow. :)

At this point, I'm guessing that people will wonder, meh since you haven't exactly been preparing for GP these few weeks, what the hell were you doing? At the very least, I'm proud to say that I haven't touched DotA since time immemorial!! An overwhelming urge to double click the tiny blue icon engraved with the head of our great King Arthas has always been greeted, this past few weeks, with an even more overwhelming sense of impending doom. Or perhaps *gasp gasp*, its just that I have outgrown the game. Whoaaaa! That's new!! The only other worthy accomplishment I can claim is attending one day of Mega Mugging Madness with Kovan a.k.a Commando Kok last friday. That was really great as, removed from the overpowering distraction of my comp and my bed, I experienced a hike in efficiency and actually managed to mug for about 7 hours straight + breaks for ordering dinner and eating dinner.

Aside from that, I've pretty much been doing crap (That's to be expected since I appear to be uncontrollably doing crap at this very second). The presence of various senses of impending doom, peer pressure and whatnot sort of ran out of steam and gave up after banishing thoughts of DotA from the recesses of my mind. Which is why I'm still playing Neopets, wasting time, and even playing Magic cards, the game which I thought I've forever and ever left behind in RI. An explanation is due for this unexpected phenomenon, I think. Well, the ironic thing is, the dying embers of Magic cards has been reignited for me at the expense of the bright flames of DotA. On National Day, the original plan of going lanning was scrapped in view of the limited time and limited participation. Instead, due to the highly coincidental circumstances, three of the only magic players in our class: Wentao, Jingxiong, and me, have been assembled(together with Wendi) feeling very bored and having nothing to do for the long hours stretching towards the NDay celebration. And guess what, half an hour and a trip to J8 later, we found ourselves in the all but deserted 6k home room once again, this time in the guise of omnipotent planeswalkers, summoning legendary creatures and conjuring devastating spells from a (rather hopeless) pool of magic cards! What happens when a tree....no, it doesn't fall...catches fire in a forest and no one is nearby? Well, I don't know about that, but I do know that I've been buying Magic card boosters ever since -.-

Actually, I want to dedicate this post to someone...guess who? Yep, its BoA!! :D
I think her songs have been keeping me alive while plowing through the endless piles of chem notes, soporific stacks of econs notes, and confusing jumbles of GP notes. Not to mention, her videos(together with neopets and msn) have been keeping me off the greater evil of DotA. Its not that I didn't know about BoA before, I've known about her ever since hearing Every Heart on Inuyasha and subsequently being impressed enough with the song to obtain it and check her up online. I've even got a few vids and songs, which unfortunately got wiped after I reformatted my old comp due to some virus.

The craze started on one fine day when I remembered out of great boredom that I once saw this BoA MV of winter love on MTV, so I checked it up and that sort of started a chain reaction >< Anyway, I was hooked to the extent I actually bought her latest album, "The Face", which actually wasn't very recent, released around half a year ago, and found it not at all disappointing!

After looking up(and procuring) some videos on Veoh, I found myself increasingly impressed by this petite jpop/kpop singer from Korea. What is amazing is not that she had started her professional career at the age of 13, but that she managed to constantly improve and still remain so successful after 8 years. I can only guess at the extent of the hardship and loneliness that she faced, having to leave her family at such a young age and facing all the associated pressures of a professional singer. Perhaps this video is best at representing these feelings.

A combination of great singing, great dancing, and a great personality, that's BoA for you.