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Name: Jiang Lingzhang
Age: 18
School: Raffles Junior College
Likes: DotA, Anime, Bball, Piano
Dislikes: Celery, Cabbage, Milk, forum trolls, DotA leavers
Favourite Singer: BoA
Favourite Food: Meat
Favourite DotA Hero: Templar Assassin
Favourite Maple character: Bowman
Favourite Anime character: Saber!!
Favourite animal: Hamster!!! :P

Misa only wanna ORD :(:(

xxxkaboomzl got their Neopet at http://www.neopets.com

Zutto wasurenai...


August 2005
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December 2008

Credits: HaeMin - Love

Thursday, October 27, 2005
pwnzed @ 11:37 PM
haix...these few days never post because i had post exam trauma. I cant believe it. I really cant. I really cant...hmmm maybe can...It was my own fault after all.

Because of slackness(probably), at least i hope it was slackness and not stupidity, i got pwnzd in my common tests. Failed maths. FAILED. FAILLLLEEED. 26.5/60. lol. I could scarce believe it, ok la that was just a figure of speech, i knew i failed right from the moment i handed the script in. Indeed.

Seriously, its implications is dire. Firstly, my maths for the whole year is doomed to a B+. Thats super lousy. I really require A+ for maths because its a double weightage. And BECAUSE it is doomed to a B+, my entire gpa is doomed to fall by at least 0.2 points. thats shit. Ok english become b+ is expected la...its a screwed up subject that i really dont care about. In the first place my english is as good as i want it, my maintaining of a blog is already testament to this. Physics as a B+ is also not altogether unexpected. A fail in the last common class test has already prepared me for this. But maths is really inexcusable.

The rest of the subjects i guess is ok la, except my chem ct was also quite screwed. 34/60. Lol. But i think its not because i dont understand but just plainly screwed. Ok. Getting late now bb.

Friday, October 14, 2005
Funz @ 11:13 PM
Yay im posting again out of boredom, even though I just posted yesterday. Just took the english and ss paper today. Really hoped that the compre would be easy so I could manage an A for english, but again, disappointed. I spent the full one and half hours doing the bloody thing, it was so hard...and frustrating. Especially the summary. Their language, whoever set the paper, is really screwed. They're asking for, "the ways in which mobility could have affected class and American lifestyle" Thats more like a question than a summary! If you simply summarize the content, you wouldnt be answering the question, but if you answered the question, you would be sacrificing precious space that could be deployed into writing more content! End up I stared at the summary for like 15 minutes before starting on it.

The SS paper was quite corny la...not corny like corn, but...just strange. The essay question is freaking simple lor...and to think I mug all the Ireland stuff...its just the same old stuff all over again. So deja-vuish. It also happened to be the exact same question that Ben's book thingy provided a model answer to -_- Source based was harder la, I'm sure a freaking poster of a vague bird-shaped thingy covering a vague globe shaped thingy could tell anything about the role of the UN lor. It sort of reminded me of Gollum's possessiveness of the ring...but that doesn't make sense as the UN could hardly be said to be posessive of the world. Damn generic...so basically I ignored source C and looked at source B, which is quite crap also.

Anyway thats two tests done with, but hardly of any meaning to me, as I never had trouble with humanities. That is not implying that my humanities are strong, just saying that my humanities are so rotten (like Pudge), and stony (like Tiny), that it is futile to try and improve them.

A failed attempt to mug chinese tonight yielded some good results as the boredom derived from trying to mug chinese tonight made the subsequent mugging of biology all the more interesting. Oh and I discovered I lost the ming ju list. Heck la its a bunch of nonsense anyway, who cares about what some psycho people with narrow world views and who likes to teach disciples on the top of mountains have to say...

Oh and I had fresh inspiration to write a fanfic of DotA after seeing how an utterly crappy fanfic posted on the DotA forums, which will probably get like 0/40 if Koh was marking it, could actually deserve some good comments. Well maybe I do have some high standards for fantasy, but you could hardly blame me as I read all the best fantasy already, including those written by J.R.R Tolkien, Daving Eddings, Raymond E. Feist, Robert Jordan, C.S Lewis, Terry Brooks, Terry Pratchett and others. If you happened to be interested, the link to the lousy fanfic is http://dota-allstars.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8942

Thursday, October 13, 2005
10 hours before common tests @ 10:09 PM
Wow, amazing that I'm actually taking time to update a mere ten hours before the next, and the first common test.

Strange how distracting the computer can be. I remember vaguely that I came on just to take another look at the "unofficial guide to LORMS" in preparation for ss but now I seem already to be distracted.

Really nothing much to write about, except that I have looked at a number of other blogs and found that each blog is really unique in its own rights. These includes Jared's blog, AT's blog, zeke's blog, norman's blog, and a few others. I couldn't believe that I spent an amazing half hour reading Jared's blog, but I guess its mainly because of the fantastically fantastic fanfic posted on it. It is also wonderfully orgasmic and contains some rather juicier bits of sexual fantasy...Jared if you happen to read this I recommend to you to read the plain of horses (or something like that), written by Jean M Auel or Jean A Maul or wadeva, to improve your erotic writing. Still, I am relatively astonished that the perfect quiet, mild, and even-tempered boy of our class could actually have volume for such deeply reaching fantasies. Wow......btw I highly recommend you, the reader, to browse through Jared's blog, the link is on the left hand side of the screen, it can't delude you unless you got eyes like the fat auntie who worked at the late oodles of noodles.

Anyway, I recently noticed that our class is starting to play weiqi more an more often, even though we've only got one board (courtesy of Ben) between us. However, after today, I really decided not to try my hand at it any more until I've did a bit of research on it. The circumstances includes me getting pwnzed by Ben (((the man) *haha_-_*) it rhymes ok?) after he let me have a nine seed advantage. Subsequently I got pwnzed by wentao with a colossal margin of about 50 seeds after he let me have a four seed advantage wtf. Didnt think that such a seemingly simplistic game could be so complicated. Then again, i thought that way about cchess too. Nothing much eventful happened in class today, the normal nonsense which I can barely endure, including the bloody english lesson where i discovered that the letter to editor must freaking be handed in and is worth ca marks...And the bloody FK told me that "the scores are entered already", "if you hand in now you will get a zero", with utter coolness. Dumb fk that she is. I knew she was a cold blooded killer the moment she stepped into our class. No freaking reminders at all! She didnt even freaking tell me that I owe it, and i dint freaking noe too...what kind of shit is that? And now she says its worth 7% of the bloody CA. 0/7. Good job i think i just failed english. Aiya but who cares la I won't be proud of an A* with a teacher like that.

Friday, October 07, 2005
sigh @ 4:19 PM
Haix damn sad la...circumstances arent helping my mood to improve at all. And I really need my mood right now, because the CTs are coming. Yes, the CTs are coming, and they had better meet me in one of my better moods. In case you were wondering what circumstances I was referring to, and you should be wondering unless you skipped that part to read this part, they refer to my recreational life. Those of you who know me will probably understand that currently, all there is to my recreational life right now is chess and DotA.

This post originated in 4.20 pm on friday the seventh of october, and that is just after the DotA game that I should not have lost. What makes it worse is that I did not only lose but quit nearing the end cos my mum came home. What made it worser was that my mum yelled at me not to eat at my comp. The game was in itself utmostly irritating. I really could not comprehend the unfairness of it. Understandably, we had a high chance of winning. Me junwei and yiphei vs fangjin yichen and some random guy. It was another case of the imbas. I was using omniknight yiphei used broodmother junwei used tiny vs luna(fangjin), leviathan(yichen), and nerub ass(the random guy). I know that I was probably the one who caused the ultimate defeat as I was feeding luna. That is ironic because I used omniknight purposely to counter luna, but somehow, my mouse keep screwing up. The first time I died was my own fault. After that, I could have averted death but somehow when i tried to use purification on myself the bloody mouse just did not click, no matter how much i pressed. What the heck. Then later I could have killed luna but while i was chasing him, clicking madly on the mouse, SOMEHOW my hero just turned backwards and the mouse didnt click AGAIN! holy shit man. As a result of this fangjin got more and more kills and at the same time both of his team mates whom I personally think were quite useless stole some kills and got powerful. Its really shitty la.

I find that diversifying really loses you the advantage. Some people who never play as much as me just keep using the same hero, while i switch heroes every game. That is a compromise on my skill level for each hero, and yields disappointing results without fail every game.

Enough of that, so much talk about DotA would probably bore readers with no understanding on the topic, but I just had to vent my frustration on something and throwing something out of the window just did not seem an appropriate action. Much of my angst is now gone after I wrote so much crap though.