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Name: Jiang Lingzhang
Age: 18
School: Raffles Junior College
Likes: DotA, Anime, Bball, Piano
Dislikes: Celery, Cabbage, Milk, forum trolls, DotA leavers
Favourite Singer: BoA
Favourite Food: Meat
Favourite DotA Hero: Templar Assassin
Favourite Maple character: Bowman
Favourite Anime character: Saber!!
Favourite animal: Hamster!!! :P

Misa only wanna ORD :(:(

xxxkaboomzl got their Neopet at http://www.neopets.com

Zutto wasurenai...


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Credits: HaeMin - Love

Saturday, August 18, 2007
@ 8:02 PM
35 is a number of great significance to me.

It is the number of mosquito bites on me, discounting those on my neck. The aftermath of the class adventure camp feels almost the same as that of OBS. Bone weariness, lethargy, made worse by the fact that I am unable to sleep properly, tormented by the sheer number of mosquito bites which made my legs, each with more than 10 mosquito bites apiece, feel like two giant mosquito bites. In the words of Zhan Ming, who was tormented with not only mosquito bites but ant bites as well, due to the thoughtfulness, or lack thereof, of some girls who left a rubbish dump next to the bashar at night, the mosquito bites on my leg looks like a "constellation".

Anyway, regardless of whatever I have put down on the reflection sheet, or sheets, since I helped Jing Xiong to do his as well, I feel that I have gleaned much experience from this CAC. However stupid the 3 core objectives that we have come up with may seem, namely having fun, getting to know each other better, and getting to learn stuff we never expected, the objective of getting to know each other better has certainly been achieved for me. I guess I really did not appreciate some of the invisible undercurrents and general sentiments in the class until now, perhaps due to the fact that I have always been rather immersed in my own world and never much bothered to open an observing eye to matters.

The task at hand to describe the detailed happenings of the camp itself seems so incredibly mundane and immaterial to me, as such a narration while interesting, made more so by my perhaps not masterful but unique use of language, would only suffice to describe the very very outermost layer of our shared experience. Indeed, I found it rather difficult, when asked today about the CAC, to say anything other than me having had my fair share of mosquito bites and mud.

Despite that, I shall nevertheless go on to recount the happenings. Thursday, after quite a boring start of introduction and campcraft and boring organisational details, we finally boarded the nice yellow bus and started on the first leg of our journey into the unknown. A bout of exciting bridge games later, we have arrived at Changi and made our way to the renowned hawker centre where we had a nice lunch of nasi lemak and said our goodbyes to civilisation. The only interesting thing between the scrumptious meal comprising rice, delicious fried chicken wing, anchovy, chilli, egg, cucumber, ice milo, and goreng pisang, which probably did its fair share in contributing to my expanding waistline; and the arrival at P.Ubin was that someone (hemhem) in our class walked into the girls' toilet at the harbour by mistake, to the delight and merriment of us rowdy boys, who started to make rather sick comments.

The jolly island itself on first impression seemed no different than when it was two years younger, containing its fair share of ants, mosquitoes, thousands of trees, grass, mangy dogs, birds, birdshit, mud, water, and dilapidated buildings. The next scene of interest made its entry upon our arrival at the visitor centre of two animals of a class that me and the godly god have drawn extensively during some trivial lectures. Indeed, they were birds. However, these birds are rather unique. They were Hornbills. That is to say, they were colourful largish looking feathered creatures with gigantic bills that I thought were some painting, myself being more engaged in an exercise of balancing on a rock, until they flew away, their peaceful natures troubled by the excited chatter that arose from our class. But at least I'm not as bad as Hanson, who exclaimed "Eh Hornbill!!", when some cranes flew past later, and later said that they all look the same anyway.

Finally, we settled down to build up our tents, and I'm glad to say that I did my fair share of lugging heavy rocks around and helping to secure the ground sheets to afore mentioned rocks. With the tents nicely erect, our great "Lead-me" members started to direct us to various locations(all of which I have visited before during OBS since I was land-ex). I must really commend the leadme members as they navigated really well and set a good pace for everyone to follow. The third interesting thing that happened reared its head during the trek. While climbing the hill to catch a sight of the quarry from a birds' eye view, we started to mimick the cries of Warcraft III units and DotA heroes, like "The pact is sealed", "I go unseen", and "Time to go!" However, this was only the first part of the newest fad. The best was yet to be.

At a few hours to dusk, we journeyed to the neighbouring village and the feedme members crowded themselves in the tiny provision shops and discussed what to procure for our dinner. Ironically, this rather impromptu dinner is going to be the class dinner with the greatest attendance up to now, with only two members of the class absent. Anyway, many of us rested our weary legs and sipped at small coconuts while waiting for the feedme members to finish buying the food. About an hour later, I found myself admiring the manliness of class members like Hanson, Samuel, and Yaming who took turns soloing the gigantic and completely full jerry can back to our camp. Hanson was really imba, lugging the jerry can alternately with both hands for like a full 100 metres or so.

It turned out that the class dinner, which I also helped to supervise, was quite satisfactory, comprising 20+ packs of maggi mee, canned sardines(tastes superb with crackers), canned curry pork, canned luncheon meat, canned mushrooms, canned sausages and canned minced pork. However, heavy winds started to blow with the threat of a thunderstorm halfway, forcing us to use our great mojo and sing, dance, and look stupid with 3 people standing a row wearing a poncho to prevent the fire from blowing out, and eventually force the Powers above to finally be magnanimous and spare us from a heavy rain(means that it still rained, but lightly). Anyway after that, we retreated into our tents and I started to play bridge which turned into asshole daidi which turned into texas hold'em with pushup as bets which turned into poker with truth-or-dare. However, this truth-and-dare session turned out to be rather disastrous, as our dear friend Junwei, who simply had 0 luck with cards, kenna the truth-or-dare, in other words, truth-or-truth, almost 100% of the time. I didn't know people were so good at propagating gossip and asking evil questions until now, tho...

Next, we went for an "extraordinary" Night-walk which turned out to be actually a reflecting and emo-ing session. I got to emo with Lau Fun, who told me a lot of things which I will decline to mention here. Aha. Interesting thing four. Stray dog ran away with wentao's wet and smelly socks during the Night walk, as he left them at the camp, and they were discovered next morning in the grass. Well, needless to say, we continued with the poker, which evolved into a "I-did-not" session, where wentao confessed that out of all the people in class, he would prefer to shag Kovan, which Kovan, who had infiltrated the girls' tent (I wonder do what), overheard, and went nuts.

Finally, we retired for a restless nights of sleep plagued by 20000000 mosquitoes. Next morning, we ate breakfast and started to trek to Chek Jawa. Aha. NOW is the interesting DotA sounds. We all erupted into laughter when Wendi mimicked the death prophet to say, "Haaaaaaaiiiii!!! You Brought me BAAACCCCKK??!!" in a really similar way. And we took turns saying, "Warriors of the Night, ASSEMBLE!! RROOOAAARR!", and " Whhhyyyy have you summoned me??", and "I come from the darkness of the pit!!" and everyone got really high. Lol. Chek Jawa turned out to be nothing more than an interesting stretch of beach with a nice jetty. 6th interesting thing. Hanson spit into a shoal of fish, trying to get them to think it is food and eat it. Sadly, the fish was too smart and didn't do that. After that we climbed some tall wooden tower and enjoyed the scenery there, but it started raining really heavily after a while and it sort of became a leaning tower of Pisa, so we came down.

After the long trek back, we finally went back to Singapore, ate another nice lunch at Changi, had another few rounds of bridge on the bus, and came back to school. Nice.

Thursday, August 09, 2007
@ 2:31 PM
Yay BB won! Too bad I wasn't there to cheer with everyone else, as we left after playing the national anthem, and were too lazy to walk back to the celebration after packing up our instruments.

Anyway, I think that this year was really different, almost everyone was doing their part to help the house, not like the lacklustre attitude and heck-care mentality in Buckley. And the BB councillors really rock too! Working so hard to organise the IHC events and getting people to go there, and turning up themselves to cheer for the competitors.

Overall, I think that the days leading up to N-day celebrations and the celebrations itself were really fun. Although we had to stay back for rehearsals and lug our instruments back and forth between RI and RJ, the time spent together and the late dinner plus chitchats really made the sweat and wasted energy worth it. Also, the school really did a fine job in providing us with all the nice food and the line-up of events during the celebrations itself. Me and Hong Jiang koped 3 cans of coke light apiece and 10 satays, and even managed to attempt some record-breaking during our limited break. I could almost break the speed-typing national pledge record, if not for having to use a weirdos labtop keyboard and making a few dumb typos. We had no luck at the weighing 42 grams of beans station, even though Hong Jiang got 41 grams, since some imbally tyco nub got 42.02 grams...

After we got totally numb and uncomfortable after being forced to stand through 1 hour of the formal celebration and carrying our instruments rigidly, we were finally allowed to leave at the start of the laser show, and made our escape to the varese room in RI. Being too tired to trudge back to the celebration, some of us started to play Texas Holdem Poker using pushups as bets, suggested by the dumbz Chester. I still can't believe that I got tricked by Chester to fold after he confidently raised the bet to 30 pushups based on a rubbish hand, and was embarrassingly forced to execute my punishment, while the others laughed at me for having a "poker face". Zz.

That was not to be the last of the excitement, fortunately. After a restless sleep, I got up in the morning to help organise the class barbecue, calling about half the people in the class to bring any fun games they can think of. After stuffing half a oily tousah muffin into my mouth, I chionged off to go for class+crashers lanning. Due to some communication errors, we ended with 8 class ppl + 4 crashers, which means that we cannot play a dota game successfully!!! :(

However, we still managed to have fun, playing pudge wars at first, which Jing Xiong owned. after tt we played some CS, by which time all the late-comers arrived. After tt we split into two dota games of 3v3. I was playing with Jing Xiong and Dehui vs Wentao, Wendi, and Kovan. Anyway we won after quite a long and rather sianz fight cos I keep getting owned, being not tt adept with holy knight. In the end we won cos Jing Xiong farmed somewhere and got super imba items with his treant protector. After tt we played some CS with me and kovan vs jing and wentao and dehui on a toilet map, and we sort of owned cos kovan is damn imba, and i keep shotgunning wentao and kill him in one hit. Haha, funny thing is tt got a lot of times everyone die except dehui, whose display name was tanasik, and kovan. Den everytime liddat dehui get killed by kovan. Once I died, den said "ahh shit I died!" Den realised tt only have dehui and kovan surviving. Seeing tt, wentao, who was also dead, said, "Ah dun worry, kovan will make short work of tanasik." 2 seconds later, bangbangbambangbam, kovan (shoot-icon) tanasik, game over...

After tt, wendi kovan yiding and rongbing had to go, so we finally got to play a proper 4v4 dota. Anyway my team still got pwned because they had imba pushing abilities, with jing using dark seer's wall of illusion thingy and wentao spamming illuminate with keeper + a damn lot of priests. But I managed to get Godlike with necrolyte so still not bad lar.

Finally, we went to kennedy's house, which was quite fun as I managed to play some magic, watch most of "Meet the Fockers", which was damn retarded and funny, and play some lame basketball in kennedy's basketball court, which had a super short hoop and super small backboard. Den the barbecue itself was quite fun too, as got imba cooks like lau fun and jing xiong and zhan ming managing the barbecue pit while the rest of us koped food. Mr. Se came also and even played some bridge with us. And at the end Cheryl brought her big Collie dog "Lucky" as well, who was super well-behaved and nice.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
@ 9:33 PM
Haiz...Life seems to be only getting worse for me. I don't know whether it is my innate beauty or my stalwart refusal to allow them to poke my butt, but Yiding; yes, that most odious and despicable antagonist, and Shuotian, who was a far greater pervert than I had previously conceived(that makes him a super big pervert, nearing the Ted Bundy level), harrassed me throughout the entire journey home after band. The agony it caused to my delicate temperament and even more delicate belly and sides could scarce be comprehensible. What's worse, Yiding tried to poke my butt on a super crowded MRT train, and that's not possible unless he edge his rather rotund and gargantuan bulk uncomfortably close to me. Of course, my brilliantly improvised defense which constituted of my own bag and my trusty file helped to ward off their advances.

Anyway, I'm feeling rather tired because today was a long day, and I exhausted a large supply of energy and inspiration producing some nice masterpieces of our favourite DotA heroes during maths and physics lecture, both of which happened to be rather boring and useless. Anyway, I really could not understand why people scorned and laughed at my beautiful drawings, which some genius said looked like "primary school drawings". Hmph. Furthermore, after eating quite a nice lunch of spaghetti which has virtually been drowned in two ladlefuls of sauce, along with a delicious piece of baked fish and not so delicious beef burger in RI with wentao and Zhan Ming, I was feeling rather bloated. What made that so devastatingly devastating to my fragile constitution was that I played basketball after that with Jordan. Of course, we only played a while and not really seriously, but it was still quite strenuous, especially in school U cos we lazy to change(Shhh!).

After that we had 2 hours of super boring H3 maths...actually, everything seems pretty boring to me right now, don't know why. I think my GP teacher was correct to say that we are being rather frisky of late. I blame my own "friskiness"(of course, most of my classmates know that I have never been really interested in GP lessons), upon SCDWS, or Severe Chronic DotA Withdrawal Syndrome. It must really have been a mistake to go lanning with my classmates + Yiding(My, how he seems to be everywhere), on Monday, as it managed to reignite my interest in DotA without helping to quench it single bit. This is partly due to the fact that I got pretty badly owned; well, maybe it was my team's fault but that's of no consequence, as there is no "i" in "Team".

And then there was band of course, which isn't exactly tiring, but as they say, 'tis the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

So, night found me reading a Jay Chou book titled "The beauty of D Major", instead of mugging for my all-important chem spa tomorrow(note the sarcasm). Reading through the informative book on my only male singer idol, I cannot fail to notice how human even Jay really was, and how he was a single child and was forced to take piano lessons from young, just like me. I still remember, 3 years ago, how we were still mocking Jay Chou and people who liked Jay Chou when he just started becoming famous. A cacophony of laughter mocking his looks and his singing and shit. Actually, I didn't even hear a single song he sang then, I was just following the crowd. Turns out that we had to swallow our laughter as each new album sold better than the previous, and the previously controversial R&B style rapper turned into one of the greatest pop star in chinese history, and that is not exaggerating. I think what really makes Jay outstanding is his personality and his uniqueness, and his ability to PRESERVE that uniqueness and not be affected by other people's criticism. Sometimes it is good to follow the crowd, but weren't we who followed the crowd and cast doubt on Jay's success proven to be wrong in the end? Even more importantly, he is also modest of his accomplishment and also really filial to his parents and grandparents. It really goes to show that personality, not looks, is what shines at the end of the day.

Anyway, heres a phrase to end off my long post! :) "How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?