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Name: Jiang Lingzhang
Age: 18
School: Raffles Junior College
Likes: DotA, Anime, Bball, Piano
Dislikes: Celery, Cabbage, Milk, forum trolls, DotA leavers
Favourite Singer: BoA
Favourite Food: Meat
Favourite DotA Hero: Templar Assassin
Favourite Maple character: Bowman
Favourite Anime character: Saber!!
Favourite animal: Hamster!!! :P

Misa only wanna ORD :(:(

xxxkaboomzl got their Neopet at http://www.neopets.com

Zutto wasurenai...


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December 2008

Credits: HaeMin - Love

Thursday, October 18, 2007
@ 9:45 PM

Just watched this movie yesterday after borrowing it from ben a few days ago. It was one of the few movies that almost brought me to the verge of tears. After seeing how the main actress being misunderstood and bullied at home and how in the end, she so unluckily saw all the things that make her misunderstand the main actor(Jay Chou), den become very very sad and write some sad stuff on the classroom, all by herself, and 20 years later the main actor saw the writing and replied by writing frantically on the desk, but she couldn't see. And den she just died, probably because of a broken heart, made me feel so sad, even though this might be a bit cliche. All the love stories with the tyco misunderstandings and stuff.

And then I called Dehui on the phone to talk a bit about the movie, and I realise that he is right to say that as Jay was directing and acting in the movie and did not have much experience for both aspects, the acting and shooting part were actually not greatly refined. But then the storyline for the movie is really quite nice and the first part where they were happy and enjoying their time together, was really nice and built up the atmosphere perfectly for the tragedy which was to follow. As I know some music myself too, I enjoyed the musical stuffs also, just thought that it was quite weird that the main actor likes to listen to some damn old-fashioned song, sort of reminding me of Wentao.

Haiz...anyway, I feel that this kind of mutual love and understanding and feeling between two people, the uniting of two people, is really very enviable. The strength and joy coming from such a relationship has the power to overcome all sorrow and despair. But alas so rare are these cases, and woe for all those pairs who were meant to be together but did not have the luck to meet each other, and end up all their days never ever experiencing the feeling to love, and to be loved in return.

A really nice ideal from the movie -- True love transcends time...(Hope I don't sound very idealistic)

Monday, October 08, 2007
@ 9:35 AM
Another period of great excitement has passed, and I realise to my growing horror that the date of OP and Chinese Os' are looming ever closer, without me haven't done much towards the preparation of either.

However, the events of the post-promo period are quite fun and meaningful. While others may think contrary, I think that getting the afternoon slot for befrienders is quite lucky. I mean, I wouldn't want to have signed up for something that in the end I don't get to do much else besides pure saikang. We also had much fun in preparing for the band performance, especially while stoning around the booth and playing the piano and comp in the MEP room.

We did have a rather embarrassing experience in the MEP room tho. During the performance dry run, when we were putting instruments in the MEP room, wench noticed some light coming out of a door, and tried to open the door. Being curious, some of us also went to try to open the door, and attracted the attention of some teacher guy, who started to AP, but we acted like nothing happened and managed to slip out quietly.

Anyway, being a befriender is quite fun as we got to bring visitors around the school and introduce interesting stuffs, and also doing the befriender's dance, which is quite hard for clumsy people like me but fun nevertheless, even though i had to dance with Zhan Ming for one of the dances, but luckily managed to avoid having my toes destroyed and arms dislocated.

Been playing quite a lot of computer lately too, mostly DotA and Lunia, which is a nice mmorpg that unfortunately some people can't play because either banned IP or Fatal Errors. Also played some O2Jam but got pwned rather badly by Ziluo who is level 27. After one rather pwnaged standard warcraft game with wentao yesterday, I realised how much I've deproved and this merely strengthens my resolution to stay away from standard games from now on, which originated with my great disappointment in the unluckiness of my great idol Grubby. Haiz...