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Name: Jiang Lingzhang
Age: 18
School: Raffles Junior College
Likes: DotA, Anime, Bball, Piano
Dislikes: Celery, Cabbage, Milk, forum trolls, DotA leavers
Favourite Singer: BoA
Favourite Food: Meat
Favourite DotA Hero: Templar Assassin
Favourite Maple character: Bowman
Favourite Anime character: Saber!!
Favourite animal: Hamster!!! :P

Misa only wanna ORD :(:(

xxxkaboomzl got their Neopet at http://www.neopets.com

Zutto wasurenai...


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Credits: HaeMin - Love

Friday, September 28, 2007
@ 7:59 PM
Sometimes, when some things happen, an urgent need arises to write about it. I feel that I have procrastinated enough.

This blog post is dedicated to Robert Jordan, one of my favourite fantasy writers of all time. When I remember the countless exciting nights and magical hours spent in the world of the "Wheel of Time", journeying through various spectucular lands and adventuring with the Dragon Reborn, I feel a great sense of gratitude to the author, R. Jordan. Even though that is but a pseudonym, in my heart, I will forever only know the author who has provided me solace through the lonely nights, the droll days, and the sleepless hours as Robert Jordan.

The feeling of reading a good fantasy is like the ultimate luxury for the soul, is like drinking from a deep magical well that washes away all the hard realities of everyday life. And a good fantasy writer is indeed hard to come by, the discovery of a rare brilliant author amidst the heap of junk in libraries like the finding of some coverted treasure. All good things must indeed come to an end though. The fantastic journey that lasted on and off throughout a series of 11 wonderful books finally coming to tragic close with the death of this great author. How ironic that the next book is to be the last, the magnificent end to a magnificent series. Yet fickle fate has always played pranks on Man, and will continue to do so. Even though, of course, the book will be finished, it will never be the same as that written by the original author.

"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose.... The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of time. But it was a beginning."

And a great beginning you have given me. A wondrous beginning into a realm of fantasy. Thank you, Robert.

Sunday, September 16, 2007
@ 10:59 PM
It is quite demoralizing to log into msn every time now and only see all the usual slackers/afkers online. Although I have tried to control myself, I just cannot completely put a leash on some of my desires. While I imagined mugging from 10 to 10 this weekend, in actuality I just kept putting it off and started to play comp whenever my mum went out. Well, I did prevent myself from playing DotA, but that did not stop me from watching DotA replays, and reading Dgrayman manga, which is super exciting.

Effectively I ended up mugging for about 8-10 hours in total for the entire weekend and spent the rest of the time sleeping/watching DotA replay/reading manga/stoning/playing bball. Felt quite frustrated yesterday because I went to Sembawang to play bball with the usual ppl and ended up there half an hour early because of miscommunication. I was thinking of how I could have polished off the maths 2006 promo practice paper every minute of that half an hour...and I realise that whenever I myself am slacking, I will never blame myself for taking up my precious mugging time, and whenever something else hinders me when I finally want to mug, I get super frustrated. It is so hard to be selfless...

Anyway, I am really damn sick of seeing the same AP 7-11 shopkeeper woman every time we go the sun plaza 7-11 to buy the habitual super big gulp. Last time, she attitude when we delayed a bit at the counter while talking about how we were going to fail promos. Now, she attitude when we forgot to pay the money because this idiotic rongbing go and walk out when we thought he paid the money cos our hands were all full. Lol.

Monday, September 10, 2007
@ 11:29 PM
"This innocence, is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment, is perfect
Please don't go away"

I think I can truly experience this feeling now. There is so much mirth and laughter in my life right now, I wonder if it will stay. Haha, but I guess the mirth was at Rong Bing's expense as we kept making fun of him and his "Curry-af" and "We are doomed to win" blunders.

"Hey I'm damn hungry now, let's go buy a curry-af!" "....er, whats a curry-af?"

*RB haxes two imba chops while bballing* "Hmm, I think we're doomed to win!"

Ai but damn funny lar, important thing is that he doesn't really mind.

Haish, I think that people should relax more as promos are not that important, unless they have the aim of getting on 5 Dean's Lists, which will probably require a prodigious amount of mugging. Don't mug so much and frown and get gloomy lar, just be happy lol! After all, a lot of ppl say the time at school is the best part of life, so if we don't enjoy ourselves now, there might not be another opportunity.

Saturday, September 01, 2007
@ 11:38 PM
It is yet another transition period. After another term of hustle and bustle, the time has arrived for another long and dreary period of anticipation and frantic mugging. I can almost feel the excitement and nervousness tingling in the very air, but however hard I try, I cannot feel any drive/motivation in myself.

It seems that life is nothing more than a long expanse of significant events and transition periods. What is worse is that the realisation of this fact came at a time where it is no longer possible to enjoy the longest transition period, that of birth to JC. The only "significant event" within this period is the PSLE, which did not really require the entire primary school time to study for.

Nevertheless, the continuous barrage of minor term tests and common tests have maliciously disguised themselves as "significant events" and made this nice and smooth transition period no less daunting and stressful than it is now. Burdened with the weight of expectations and the prospect of an endless array of assessments, we trudge mindlessly into the distant future.

The reason behind the appearance of time passing quickly is precisely the consequence of the above scenario. BECAUSE we move from significant event to significant event, the actual time between these significant events move past with hardly a notice. Assume that I have spa tomorrow and PW report due 3 days later. From now to 3 days later, I hardly REGISTER the passing of time, being so preoccupied with these daunting tasks. Hence the bitter feelings of nolstalgy when so often we look back and find that our past is merely a faded concoction of vague and blurred sensations and dim memories.

"Slow down, we're going too fast!" A very good statement from some past commonwealth essay, I feel. Like Nietzsch says, we must often stop and reflect on where we stand currently. Past, present, future. The weaving of a perfect life story does NOT necessarily to follow the route that was SET OUT for one. Hence we should always ponder whether what we are doing currently is what we WANT to do. Maybe the best marks is not truly the best path of action. A mix of good marks and maximising what limited time we have might probably work better. Of course, if you're some workaholic who don't mind spending your entire time mugging towards the ultimate good 'future', don't be disappointed when you don't have your ideal future or if you had your ideal future but find that your entire past has been nothing but a barren expanse of meeting deadlines and mugging schedules.

Finished rambling. Hope I can find my motivation soon.