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Name: Jiang Lingzhang
Age: 18
School: Raffles Junior College
Likes: DotA, Anime, Bball, Piano
Dislikes: Celery, Cabbage, Milk, forum trolls, DotA leavers
Favourite Singer: BoA
Favourite Food: Meat
Favourite DotA Hero: Templar Assassin
Favourite Maple character: Bowman
Favourite Anime character: Saber!!
Favourite animal: Hamster!!! :P

Misa only wanna ORD :(:(

xxxkaboomzl got their Neopet at http://www.neopets.com

Zutto wasurenai...


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December 2008

Credits: HaeMin - Love

Saturday, July 28, 2007
@ 2:29 PM
Quite a lot of things have happened recently, one of which is the latest Harry Potter craze, following the release of the ultimate volume in the series, Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows.

I must say, the days at school following the official release of the book proved to be a great test of my patience. The first great source of irritation came in the form of random inconsiderate people being unable to keep their mouths shut regarding the contents of the book. Although I tried my utmost to avoid the entire topic for fear of reminding said people that they have the power to ruin my anticipated savouring of the book, my efforts proved to be futile, as once again, the great antagonist, Yiding, chased me around the entire Popular bookstore in J8 shouting spoilers at me while I ran around covering my ears. Nevertheless, I still got spoiled in the end. And even if I didn't get spoiled by Yiding, I'll still get spoiled in the end by other random people...Haiz.

The second source of irritation came in the form of a certain self proclaimed god who could not bear to witness the sight of a peace-loving person keeping to himself reading a book which he went to great lengths to acquire. Hence, by dint of a slightly unhinged mental composition and an unusually large mouth, he started to practice his oratory skills 2 inches from my ear whenever I flip open my borrowed Harry Potter book and attempt to read it.

However, I was compensated by the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie that I watched yesterday with some classmates. It was quite enjoyable, although the movie itself was very short and condensed, and missed out quite a few important parts like Dumbledore animating the statue to block Voldemort's "avada kedavra" spells. But the duel between them was still super cool, like Voldemort's thousands of pieces of glass and fire snake and Dumbledore's watery ball. Then we went to eat a very late dinner at Mos Burger and Wendi told me about the IHC badminton, which sounds so interesting that I regretted attending H3 maths lecture that day instead of watching the badminton.

Thursday, July 05, 2007
@ 8:10 PM
Dongz was being spastic again today.

On the way home on the train with me and Rong Bing, he was laughing pervertedly nonstop. It just started for no reason halfway through a game of truth or dare. After goading each other to admit that he was not a bachelor and not evoking much of a response, we were giving the "truth" questions an immensely narrow boundary, like, "Which girl do you like most in your class? Not including yourself or your teachers." Well, it was getting nowhere anyway since we all avoided the question somehow. And then Rong Bing suddenly started talking about his eventful India trip(the one where he had diarrhoea every single day), and how one of the girls who went was rather nice and that he visited her room every night. Yes, that sounds wrong. And it also sparked off the intrinsic(GP word!!) horniness in Dongz. Even though Rong Bing cleared up the slight blunder by explaining that it was nightly meetings to discuss the CIP, Dongz could not help laughing his ass off and conjuring up erotic images of Rong Bing at action...

When we asked later, when he was slightly less delirious, Dongz explained that he suddenly thought of how a fat Indian man who was drooling over a poster of Pamela Anderson humped Borat in one of the scenes of "Borat", the movie. And we finally saw off a sniggering and probably rather aroused Dongz at Khatib and helped ourselves to some well-deserved silent reading.

However, given the intensive basketball ordeal earlier this afternoon, Dongz could not be blamed for his slight mental disorder. Playing with rather gigantic people like Lijian and Nigel dominating the inside and people like Ngiamz dominating the outside really does not add a comfortable feeling to the game. But I must say it was really quite fun watching Ngiam's polished manoeuvres and sheer power and Lijian's astounding accuracy. Gives me that much motivation to improve my game.

Anyway, time for brief mention of my CT results. Reasonable, I think. 55/65 for maths, 56/80 for chem, 65.5/100 for GP. Econs and physics donno yet, except for physics mcq which sucked. Happy mugging everyone! Don't slack off before promos!